4729 Walnut Road, Buckeye Lake, Ohio 43008.

The Greater Buckeye Lake Historical Society​​​

membership dinner 2016

  • 1.Slow Hand2:55

The Annual Ila Mason Award

Black Diamond

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GBLHS Board Member and Commodore of the Yacht Club,
​ Dave Lawrence, makes the girls laugh.

The members of the Buckeye Lake Historical Society enjoyed great food and updates about the present state and future of the Historical Society.  Held at Harbor Hills Country Club with over 80 attendees, the sounds of big band music filled the room. The theme of 2017 will be “Quietly Making Noise.” Director J-me Braig announced that 2016 was the Year of Boats… and No Water. 

The first was the find of the Black Diamond Canal Boat.  This boat sank in 1850 and over 400 pieces were recovered during the dredging for the restoration of the earthen dam.  With perseverance and knowledge of the where it sank a major historical find was recovered.  Efforts are underway right now for some pieces to be restored and to be housed at our Museum.

The second boat was the announcement of the Queen of the Lake III, donation of a 88 ft. true sternwheeler by Dr. Ron & Cindy Downing.  She is going to have a total restoration and hopefully launched in Spring 2018 for tours, dinner cruises and private parties.  The need for $60,000 for its rehab is now underway with a campaign at GoFundMe.com. 

There were awards for 12 Lifetime Members this year. Sworn in were new Board members: Larry Arnold and Bryan Bonlowski

The Society holds its annual dinner each fall. Special thanks to Harbor Hills Country Club for their help and to Don Boland for his wonderful food and service.

2016 was the Year of Boats… and No Water 

The members of the Buckeye Lake Historical Society enjoyed great food and updates about the present state and future of the Historical Society.

The Annual Ila Mason Award begin this year in tribute to one of the founders and loyal volunteer secretary for 14 years.  Ila was a lifelong resident of Hebron and served  her community well with many volunteer hours for a charity that she believed in. 

She was quick to speak her mind and back it up, if she felt that something needed to be done, to better her area.  

This year, the first recipient was Mary Muryn, of Maple Bay at Buckeye Lake.  Mary volunteers at the Museum, as chairwoman of the Membership committee, where she increased membership 60%.  She has now agreed, to take Ila’s place as secretary, of the Historical society.  It is appropriate that she became the first winner of this award.

The Queen lll

Museum Director J-me Braig, presents Secretary Mary Muryn, the Ila Mason Award.