Dear Members, Volunteers and Friends,
We all have our new calendars on our desks, and they are beginning to fill up. 2016 is going to be a busy year here at Buckeye Lake as well. The reconstruction of the earthen dam is roaring forward and this brings workers, trucks, noise, dirt (tons of dirt), traffic and lots of patience on our part.
We know we can handle all of it. Why? Because we are on our way to another exciting chapter in an already long, rich history of the Buckeye Lake Region. Many of us, along with generations before us, have experienced changes on the shallow waters of the Great Buffalo Swamp. Well, hold on to your souvenirs! There is more happening, and you “are invited” to be a part of this remarkable makeover.
Please save this date and plan to attend a vision session that includes all residents of Licking, Perry and Fairfield Counties for an open discussion on all the hopes, dreams and possibilities for future development of this wonderful lake and the Cranberry Bog.
History is being made right now: For the first time ever all 3 counties and their elected officials, volunteer groups, chambers, museums, businesses, visitors bureaus and banks are working as a consortium to take advantage of all the dollars being spent on the earthen dam. This will enhance the surrounding communities, attract tourism and create jobs.
“Wouldn’t it be nice to have the park here again?” I have heard this many, many times. Well, here is our chance. The Playground of Ohio can live once again! The fun and entertainment we create will leave something for future generations to love and as much as we did.
There will be four brief powerpoint presentations to give overviews of the region. Then everyone will participate in breakout sessions for more information as well as idea and dream sharing. Lunch will be provided by the Urban Land Institute of Columbus.
I hope you can attend. If you cannot attend, get a friend to go in your place. I was once told by a family member, “There is no such thing as a bad idea”. I believe that. Let us hear your ideas and bring back the ‘good old days!'
See you there, J-me Braig, Director
Greater Buckeye Lake Historical Society Museum
January 23rd
8:00 am – 2:00 pm
Lakewood High School
4729 Walnut Road, Buckeye Lake, Ohio 43008.